Why Our Church
Something Special
What We Believe
What Makes Us Unique
Ministry Team

Pastor Brian Hetzel
My wife, Joan, and I have three kids, Rachael, Jacob, and Hannah. We have lived in Blue Springs for 25 years, and are very familiar with life in Eastern Jackson County.
I received my undergraduate degree in Pastoral Ministries and Elementary Education in 1986 from Concordia University, River Forest, Illinois. In 1992 I received my Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. I received training as a Missions Planter in 1998.
I have served three congregations. From 1992-1996, I served Trinity Lutheran Church in Trimont, Minnesota. From 1996 to 1999, I served as Associate Pastor of Timothy Lutheran here in Blue Springs. Then in 2000, I received and accepted a call to start a mission church in Eastern Jackson County. Pointe of Hope had it’s first public service on December 4, 2000, Approximately 110 attended that Sunday, and I have served as lead Pastor ever since.
My ministry philosophy is highly relational, creative, relevant, progressive, and practical. The idea of a spiritual family has always been important as I look at the church.
Support Staff

Jean Schwabe, Office Administrator

Carolyn Whitsitt, Bookkeeper