---Ministry Team

Pastor Brian Hetzel.jpg

Pastor Brian Hetzel

My wife, Joan, and I have three kids, Rachael, Jacob, and Hannah. We have lived in Blue Springs for 25 years, and are very familiar with life in Eastern Jackson County.

I received my undergraduate degree in Pastoral Ministries and Elementary Education in 1986 from Concordia University, River Forest, Illinois. In 1992 I received my Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. I received training as a Missions Planter in 1998.

I have served three congregations. From 1992-1996, I served Trinity Lutheran Church in Trimont, Minnesota. From 1996 to 1999, I served as Associate Pastor of Timothy Lutheran here in Blue Springs. Then in 2000, I received and accepted a call to start a mission church in Eastern Jackson County. Pointe of Hope had it’s first public service on December 4, 2000, Approximately 110 attended that Sunday, and I have served as lead Pastor ever since.

My ministry philosophy is highly relational, creative, relevant, progressive, and practical. The idea of a spiritual family has always been important as I look at the church.

My hobbies and interests include singing, playing the piano, reading, gardening, watching NFL games, weight lifting and working out at the local gym, biking, and scratching my head as I try to figure out home repair projects.
Benjamin, Worship Leader

Benjamin, Worship Leader


---Support Staff


Jean Schwabe, Office Administrator

Carolyn Whitsitt, Bookkeeper